““Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be always acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” ”
At the heart of our camp philosophy lies our daily morning Devotions. An intentionally-quiet moment carved out of an otherwise highly-energetic schedule, Devotions gives us the chance to sit quietly together, to reflect, and to thoughtfully focus on the individual building blocks of character development through lessons and discussion. This time spent praying, listening, and learning sets the tone for the day.
We begin each devotions with our Camp Verse, Psalm 19:14, which represents the core of our camp values and the character we seek to promote in our campers. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be always acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer. Put simply, the idea is that we strive to not only act with goodness, but to also be good, in our hearts.
Our conversations are based on scripture, stories, history, and personal experience. The lessons of honor, integrity, attitude, respect, work ethic, leadership, humility, empathy, forgiveness, and love, among others, form the foundations of who we are as Maxwelton Gentlemen and Lachlan Ladies. We focus on the Fruits of the Spirit, our daily choice of attitude, building friendships, leading by example, sportsmanship, and always doing and being our best as we approach each day.
Camp provides a fun, safe, and loving family atmosphere in which everyone is encouraged and challenged to be the very best version of themselves. It is the ideal setting to give our campers the opportunity to recognize their own personal strengths and vast potential. Our mission is to cultivate young men and women who are grounded, confident, kind, productive members of society who lead effectively, and with grace and kindness, not only at Camp, but also at school, in the workplace, in their homes, on the playing field, and in all facets of life.